Event Rules

Novice Roper Breakaway

- Roper must not have won more than $1,000 in the calf roping or breakaway events.
- Roping is open to both men and women.
- No age limit on roper.
- Producer retains the right to reclassify any roper.

Novice Horse Breakaway

- Horse must not have won more than $1,500 in the calf roping or breakaway events. Horse can have winnings in other events.
- Roping is open to both men and women.
- No age limit on the horse or human.
-If found in violation of life time earnings rule for an entered horse, rider will no longer be eligible to enter the Novice Horse Roping at anytime in the future on any horse.

Open Breakaway

Open to Ladies, Boys 14 & under, and Men 55+.

Tie-Down Calf Roping

- Calf must be considered up by field judge and thrown by hand.
- Calf must remain tied for 6 seconds after roper remounts horse and rides forward allowing slack in the rope.
- Three bone cross with at least one wrap around all three legs secured with a half hitch.
- A contestant will be given a no time for a jerk down violation. A jerk down is defined as bringing the animal over backwards between 10 and 2 with the animal landing on his back or head with all four feet in the air.

General Rules

- Entry fee must be paid in full and contestant must be in good standing with Arrow H Productions, Arrow H Ranch, The American Rodeo, and the WCRA before competing.
- 10 second penalty for broken barrier or if contestant beats the barrier.
- Bell collar catch in all breakaway ropings.
- Rope must come tight before it breaks off in all breakaway ropings or contestant will be given a no time.
- Use of nylon string is mandatory in all breakaway ropings.
- 25 second time limit for all ropings.
- Judge has the right to put 10 second penalty if barrier malfunctions in any way and he feels it's obvious contestant beats the barrier.
-All judges have the right to give an automatic disqualification for any misconduct in or out of the arena and for any animal abuse.